Saturday, June 25, 2011


So, to begin with introductions, my name is Iz. I love clothes, cooking and women. Not necessarily in that order. If my girlfriend's reading this, definitely not in that order.

I created this blog as a place where I could say what I wanted to say and get the feedback I wanted without having to actually talk to people, which is not my strong suit. And, to be honest, I'm a total narcissist. I totally love the idea of talking about myself, my wardrobe, what I ate for lunch, etc. What does this have to do with dandylions or daydreams? Absolutely nothing, I thought it sounded nice. I really want this to be more of a fashion blog, but posts about butch identity and cooking will occasionally worm their way in here. I apologize in advance for any angst.

Well, I guess that's really it. I'll try and post once a day, but don't hold me to it.